Wild Koala Breeding Program

Wild Koala Breeding Program
Wild Koala Breeding Program

Following the 2019/20 black summer fires along the east coast of Australia, KCA received donations from the public which funded the world’s first Wild Koala Breeding Program. Until now, Koalas have never before been bred for return to the wild.

The Program will:

  • Develop a koala conservation facility
  • Breed and release 35 joeys per year
  • Create a blueprint for organisations across Australia to follow
  • Reverse the trend of declining koala populations and loss of biodiversity.

The breeding program will be developed in partnership with several leading research institutions including Taronga Zoo, Australian Museum Research Institute and the University of Sydney. The scientific research program will follow rigorous science, best practice guidelines in building a breeding facility, populating it from a ‘stud book’ and breeding healthy disease-free koalas for release under guidelines stipulated by the approving body, the NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) and Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE)

December 2020 Project Updates

Greatest threats to Koalas
How you can get involved ‘hands on’