Make a Bequest

Make a Bequest
Make a Bequest

Do you love koalas? Are you ready to help ensure our iconic koalas are still here for future generations to enjoy as you have?

When Jean and Max Starr started the Koala Hospital in Port Macquarie in 1973, they could not have known the impact their commitment and hard work would have. Jean and Max observed the plight of the local koala population in the face of town development. Their concern and action has been taken up increasingly by like-minded people throughout the intervening decades and today the Koala Hospital is a leading source of information throughout Australia about koala care and rehabilitation. The Port Macquarie Koala Hospital is also an advisor to government panels and agencies, wildlife organisations and university research projects.

Koala Conservation Australia Ltd is a Not for Profit Charity registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profit Commission. (ACNC)

How to support the work of the Koala Hospital through a Bequest

There are a number of ways to make a bequest to support the work of Koala Conservation Australia.

There are several types of bequests:

  • A specific sum - A nominated set cash amount.
  • A percentage - A percentage of your Estate (Real estate, shares, jewellery or other assets).
  • A residual bequest - The residue or remainder of your estate after provisions have been made for family and friends

Example: “I hereby give and bequeath to Koala Conservation Australia Limited (the sum of $ …………………… or ………………..… % of my estate) to be used in such manner as the Company determines or approves.”

You should seek legal advice and you may also wish to speak to an accountant with respect to taxation and financial matters.

Koala Conservation Australia Limited.

Roto House Historic Site Lord Street PO Box 236 Port Macquarie NSW 2444 Australia

ABN 74 060 854 479 | ACN 634 823 368 | ARBN Y0153013

Greatest threats to Koalas
How you can get involved ‘hands on’